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CottonCandyONaRainyDay: On the Road Again


CottonCandyONaRainyDay is my new mommy journal. A brag book all about my beloved daughter!

Sunday, December 10, 2006

On the Road Again

I'm off to another job interview- this time in CALI

I could so see Pook a So.Cal kind of girl, but I don't know if Mommy is really ready. Mommy may be more of a bay area queen. We'll See. Pook will spend three days with her grandparents! They are so NOT ready! Pook is quite fiesty these days... actually they are going to be wore out!

I predict their three days are going to go something like this:

Wake up, Pook falls off the bed or can't get any sleep because grandma snores so loudly. Then because grandmother doesn't usually have breakfast- Pook will wake up and yell until she gets her milk and a hot breakfast (of which I know my mother will make oatmeal- no sugar, no butter, for the baby grandma!). Then Pook will be ready to play. She will be tempted by the fake fruit on the front table and the dusty nativity scene by the fire place. Pook will probably try and move all the christmas decorations to where she thinks they should be. The interior re-designer I call her. Pook might even run an errand with Auntie bobbie and Grandma or go up to the church to wreck havoc on the feeding program. By the afternoon "the bear" will finally come out of hibernation to entertain Pook for a while. Pook has her Papa wrapped around her finger. He will give her a snack and then they will watch some television while grandma is taking her nap. Pook and Papa will play and he will laugh at her genius or forget she's there and wait until I call home to tell me how he found Pook playing in the toilet. By this time grandma will be up from her nap and ready to fry some chicken. She will cook a nice dinner, Pook loves chicken bones and veggies- grandma will turn on the court shows and Pook will try and play with the can goods, look for Jazz outside, and play with that bell that used to be mine that hangs from the kitchen door. Surely, a visitor will pop in and entertain pook for a while. They will laugh at how Pook is so curious and busy!! Then skipping bath, Pook will have her pajamas on and grandma will say "i'm through". Grandma will go to bed without regret. Papa will find Pook playing with something on her own and take over until the evening. If he gives her some milk and rocks her in the big chair she will be asleep by 8pm. Just don't give her any of your late night snack popcorn- she will beg but its a choking hazzard!!

I wished my parents were internet savy. Who am I kidding. They don't even have a computer. Call waiting just happened to the household. Surely, they'll get a few calls about this post and tell me how much I'm over-reacting. Trust me though- I know exactly how the three days will go. I expect them to be worn out when I return and maybe even ready to put us out.


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