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CottonCandyONaRainyDay: We're Back!!!


CottonCandyONaRainyDay is my new mommy journal. A brag book all about my beloved daughter!

Friday, December 08, 2006

We're Back!!!

It's been about four months since my last post- and I'm really sorry.

First my computer crashed- and now I'm searching for a job. I'm flying everywhere looking to to be able to feed my baby girl.

We are tired-both of us. Enough already.

Maya Sanaa is and continues to be only joy. I don't like leaving her- that is the worst part about the job search. I've been gone so many times now that she is currently clingy in ways that I've never known her to be.

So many things have happend that I wanted to blog about like-
Pook stealing miyoshi's chicken bone
Pook wanting her Jasmine at her basketball game and then falling down the bleachers
Pook's fussy habits which remind me of my mother
Pook's fall at daycare- she had a big owie on her forehead and I was beyond upset

Also, much has stayed the same- Pook is still in love with books and food! Her two favorites things to do.

As usual these days I don't have much time but we will keep in regular contact. promise.


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