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CottonCandyONaRainyDay: Poetry for Pook


CottonCandyONaRainyDay is my new mommy journal. A brag book all about my beloved daughter!

Monday, September 04, 2006

Poetry for Pook

A blade of grass in the summer sun
strong and sure of itself
is what you are
and have taught,
me too be.
and you like Fidel have fundamentally
changed my life.
like assata and lolita
you made sure that i am
are always ready,
that there are NO
reasons or excuses to not
be who you need me to be right
at your time
and that includes paying your bills,
giving out hugs,
or just leaving you alone.
and im so in love
with you
and who you are shaping me into being.
and while it too works the other
way around
i enjoy what i could not have
that you came knowing so much
that while you fall down
i am learning the lesson
as you do
i have been given life.
and i love you
more than words
more than dance
more than merlot.
i love you exactly the way
you engage everything.
with all that you have and dont.


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