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CottonCandyONaRainyDay: The Breakthrough


CottonCandyONaRainyDay is my new mommy journal. A brag book all about my beloved daughter!

Friday, June 16, 2006

The Breakthrough

Hey Everyone
Pook has three teeth coming. Two on the top and one on the bottom. It's really amazing. You can see basically the white part breaking through. She loves to bite on everything but other than that she seems to be taking it all in stride. She loves holding her feet-she's such a natural yogi.

We have a nine month checkup on Monday. I can't believe Pook is nine months can you? Shawn and I were talking about how she has changed us. I know for sure that life since Pook means:

1. I am gaining too much weight
2. I am not as career driven as I used to be.
3. I value stability and family in new ways.
4. I need more space (two bedrooms is NOT enough).
5. I am more scared of death and dying.
6. I feel all of my thirty years.
7. I see and appreciate the daily miracles.
8. I feel closer to other mothers.
9. I worry a lot more about the shittyness of the U.S. educational system.
10. I get better work done in less time.

And so much more!


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