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CottonCandyONaRainyDay: What Every Mama Must DO!


CottonCandyONaRainyDay is my new mommy journal. A brag book all about my beloved daughter!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

What Every Mama Must DO!

Take a vacation!

I'm returning from a fun filled trip that was all about having fun,
enjoying the company of friends, and taking a load off.

I picked the U.S. city that makes me most happy-Oakland,CA and headed out West for
four days total sans motherhood responsibility. Bliss.

Pook stayed with her grandparents and enjoyed her own vacation.

I knew I needed it too because I was feeling myself to be so tightly
wound, so tired, so irritable. Before I left I was completely and officially overwhelmed.
And the trip was all that I needed it to be! And then some actually.

More than robin's beautiful apartment, more than attending a dance performance,
or enjoying a meal cooked for me by a dear friend, I enjoyed the full night's sleep I got
for three days.

The other highlight was Los Lobos? State park in Carmel. Taking in the waves, sending
out mad thanks for the beauty that is my life, and learning from the water that life
flows ever on- I came back renewed.

I missed Pook something awful. But it was liking gasing up the car- I hate to stop and
spend all that money. but its something you just gotta do if you hope to continue on.

Sending Cali love your way!!

ps. I Hella LOVE Oakland:)


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