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CottonCandyONaRainyDay: Zulu Princess Pook


CottonCandyONaRainyDay is my new mommy journal. A brag book all about my beloved daughter!

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Zulu Princess Pook

So maybe Pook is a Zulu Princess...

She has begun speaking Zulu. You know Zulu, spoken in South Africa. You know the language with all the clicking. Well, Pook speaks it and probably fluently. I mean her dad speaks to her in Zulu so maybe??? I don't know. All I do know is Pook woke up today and started speaking some kind of Bantu language. I made note of it to myself of course but when her daycare provider Ms. Lisa told me that Pook was clicking all day I thought, well I'll be darn.

After all her middle name is uThandi meaning love (in the language of the very same).

As I was giving her a bath I thought what the heck, I'll click back. As I tried my best Pook gave me a very big smile and began talking nonstop. I only wish I really knew Zulu or Xhosa or Shona or something so I could support her natural language ability.

Speaking of South Africa, auntie Robin returns from there on Sunday- Yay!


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