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CottonCandyONaRainyDay: 11/26/07


CottonCandyONaRainyDay is my new mommy journal. A brag book all about my beloved daughter!

Monday, November 26, 2007

Keep singing

That's the ps. my sister signed in a letter to Pook right before
we left town for the holidays. We were so grateful to get that
fabulous care-package from TT Neicy- Thank you.

And as many of you know Pook keeps singing.
For sure the highlight of my family filled break was Pook
entertaining the fam with Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. She was
so sunday's best about it too! Not shy at all, she took center stage
as Uncle Byron instigated...sing us a song Pook.

And I loved how at the end she kinda went into a rap..
little STAR
how i wonder where you ARE
the world so HIGH

Then she kept emphasizing diamond... that's when I chimed
in not a square, not a circle, but a

DIAMOND- Pook sang. It was complete newmommy fabulousity!

Also, Pook received many comments on how verbal she is.
I haven't really noticed but my family thinks that since the last
time Pook was home, she's picked up tons of words.

Pook + My Dad= Bliss

so I took advantage and saw a movie with the rest of the family
hens. "This Christmas" was entertaining and a little depressing.
Seems as if I can't give my Christmas cookies away these days...

Anyhooo, I'm so thankful for my family. I'm soooo thankful for
completely stupid ahistorical U.S. holidays for no other reason then
mostly everyone is off of work at the same time and we can be
together. Share a good meal. As family. Plus, I needed the rest. I needed
the break. To be a better parent. I'll tell you the truth: my mother's
sterness with Pook was well noted over the break.

I can be firmer with my daughter. As a matter of fact I have to be. She run's me. It's
not cute anymore. So while I won't threaten Pook with my shoe as my
mother has done every child that has come into the family (including me)
I will be stern and firm as much as I can. Pook seemed to respond well
to it. So its like why should I listen to the whining and crying when
apparently all I have to do is tell her to stop and give her the evil eye
like I mean it. Like my mother.